any problems with the defaults ones, you could try if you wish too: You can find an excellent Plugins Archive

at Emutalk on their Plugins Downloads Section

Language Options

For Language Options go to File/Language to extend and show all available Language Options. To Select a

Language you simply have to click on one of them to change that to the set Language.

Basic Options

For the Basic Settings Dialog go to Options/Settings and then click on Options on the Settings Dialog. You will

see that 2 Options are already Ticked Pause emulation when window is not active? and Hide Advanced Settings.

The Pause emulation when window is not active? Option = if you minimise PJ64 or open another Dialog

emulation will then pause until you close the Dialog or restore PJ64 from the Desktop. To find out about the

Hide Advanced Settings Option click on Advanced Section. Then On Loading rom go to full screen Option is

just that, when ticked you will enable the function to go straight to Fullscreen when a Rom is loaded. The

Remember cheats selected Option, will remember and have active on the load of a Rom any cheats that you

previously have enabled on any game.

Setting up your Rom Directory

To Set up your Rom Directory load the Project64 Exe and then go to File/Choose Rom Directory or right click

on the Rom Browser and then click Choose Rom Directory.

This will open the Browse for Folder Dialog for you to then search for your Rom Folder.

Project 64 Configure Ps4 Controller

Now select where your Rom directory is that you want to use and then click the Ok Button. The Browse for

Folder Dialog will then close and the Rom Browser will start to Cache them to a Project64.cache file so that


when you close and re open pj64, it will remember that last chosen Folder and display them instantly rather

then having to wait a long time on every load.

Loading a Rom

Load the Project64 Exe and then Double Click on a Game Name on the Rom Browser. The game will then Load

and Play (depending if it is a Compatible Rom that is) Make sure you read the Rom Browser for any issues or

Referrals to the GameFAQ.

You can also Load a Rom by going to File/Open Rom and search for your Dir and Rom and then click the Ok

Button to Load and Play.

To End Emulation go to File/End Emulation or Press F12 on your Keyboard. You will then be returned to the

Main Rom Browser.

Rom Information

Rom Information is usually Asked for when asking for help on Forums. Click on a Rom Name on the Rom

Browser and then right Click on your Mouse/Rom Information. This will then the Rom Information Dialog

where you can check: ROM Name, File Name, Location, Rom Size, Cartridge ID, Manufacturer, Country, CRC1,

CRC2, CIC Chip. Also always make sure you GoodN64 Scan your Roms before seeking any help from the

Forums. You can get all GoodN64 files from Emutalk Forums via their Goodn64 Download Section.

Save Files

Native Saves
To understand the game data saving and loading of Project64, you must also understand the N64's own saving
and loading systems (if you aren't already familiar with them), because Project64 emulates all those systems.
There are four types of save system used on the N64..
EEPROM (a cartridge save type), which comes in two sizes:
SRAM (a cartridge save type)
FlashRAM (a cartridge save type)
MemPak (an optional hardware accessory for the N64, plugs into controller*)
You should be aware that MemPaks, unlike that other save types, can be handled by input plugins. But make
sure you have Mempak Enabled when setting up the Input or Using it. *Mempak is required by some games to
save, is an optional extra in some games, is not used at all in some games. Any particular game can use any one
cartridge save type, and/or the Controller Pak. This is normally handled transparently by the emulator.
** for example, you are playing the game Mario64. Mario 64 uses the EEPROM save type, and your ROM has
the internal name 'SUPER MARIO 64'. Therefore the save file automatically created and managed by Project64
will be called 'SUPER MARIO 64.eep' in your (Save Folder) To load a Mempak save you quite simply start a
game you have already played and saved in and then load the save from within the emulated game like you
would the real N64 System.
State Saves (Quick Saves)
In addition to emulating the native save types, Project64 is also capable of saving the entire state of itself -
everything that it needs to know to recreate an exact point in time during the emulation of a particular game.
Save States can be broken down into two types:
slot saves ('Quick Save') F5 on your Keyboard or in Advanced Mode: go to System/Save.
named saves ('Save As..') Ctrl+S on your Keyboard or in Advanced Mode: go to System/Save As.
slot Load ('Quick Load') F7 on your Keyboard or in Advanced Mode: go to System/Restore.
Uvc driver for mac os. No exposure values, no white balance, no gain, nothing. In fact, there's no way to change any parameters of your camera.
named Loads ('Load.') Ctrl+L on your Keyboard or in Advanced Mode: go to System/Load.
A game saved and loaded in this way does not 'know' it has been saved and loaded it is as if the interruption
never happened. This is clearly something quite different to what you can do a real N64. This is called
'state saving', the resulting file is a 'state save' or 'saved state', and will be relatively large compared to a native
save file. State save files will not be compatible with other N64 emulators unless they explicitly support the
Project64 state save file format (at the time of writing, several do) It is worth noting that a state save file will
also save any errors that may have occurred and be present in the memory of the emulator, and for this
reason, state saves are generally less reliable than native saves, especially over a long period of time playing.
To provide you with more flexibility in state saving, a number of 'slots' are provided. A 'slot' is simply a
number, which is associated with a particular keyboard key so that you can select the file with a single button

Configure N64 Controller Project 64

press. The advantage of slots is that you save switch between quickly, the disadvantage is that you might
have trouble remembering what you put in each slot! Every game has its own independent set of 11
slots, so don't worry about one game overwriting another. Save As.. just means you can choose a filename and
location for your state save file. This is good when you finish a session and want to make a note of where you
were in the game. It is normal for the system to pause for a short while while generating, compressing and
writing the save file. The quicker your system, the shorter the pause.

Project64 Users Manual

For a more in-depth Verbal explanation on Project64 please refer to the Project64 Users Manual
by clicking on Help/User Manual.

Project64 Game FAQ

To Access the Project64 Game FAQ click on Help/Game FAQ.


For a Full Explanation on all Project64 Cheats aspects go to the the PJ64 Cheats Website

Netplay Support

Project 64 How To Configure Controller Minecraft

Project64 does not Have Netplay Support but you can go to the Project64K Websitewhich is a Modified
version by hotquikof the Project64 1.4 Source Code.

Project 64 How To Configure Controller Pc

Video and Audio

To find out more about Video And Sound click on theVideoandAudio Sections.


Project 64 Controller Not Working

To find out more about Advanced settings for Project64 1.6 click on theAdvanced Section.

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